Street Creep

Street Creep, also called Concrete Creep, occurs as a result of the unpredictable movement, shift and expansion of concrete streets. Extreme pressure, due to traffic and natural settlement, pushes the concrete street against the driveway moving it into the home's foundation producing serious cracks in foundation walls.

This problem affects homes with concrete driveways and attached garages. Homes located at the end of "T" intersections, at the end of cul-de-sacs, and on the outside of a curve are especially susceptible to Street Creep damage.

Homes built on hills are more susceptible to creep because gravity will induce concrete streets and driveways to "slide" downhill.

Although this is a national problem, it is more prominent in wet areas and areas with expansive clay soils. Dry regions experience the downhill slide scenario. Typically, it is not as noticeable in regions without basements but it still occurs.

The most common preventative fix for street creep is installing an expansion joint between the slabs to absorb the flex.